Juventus vs Manchester United 1-2 Resumen Highlights 07/11/2018

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Narracion/Relato de Fernando Palomo y Mario Alberto Kempes

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Mauro games says:

Sube el de liverpool vs Roma de la semifinal ida

TheReal BTG says:

Un like es un año más de vida para Fernando Palomo

Pizzeta Yt says:

Esto es el fifa 19 :v

super gamer e says:

que bueno que ganó el manchester porque el juventus se cree mucho

Денис Крук says:

Краще. Роналдо. неперегодив

Javi Ramsol says:

4:53 puto pogba

Henrique patricio araujo says:

Quem não faz leva

Patrick sankhil says:

I am not a united fc fan, but if i am not wrong, in the summer united need to sign 1quality right winger , 2 qualities medfeilder and 1or 2quailiteis denfenders to compite in a league and compite in the champion league next season and as football fan i want to see taught competition for every big team ,,from barca fan

Nsar Alyas says:


Achmed Junizar Al-Fahmi.S says:

Mampus Lo Ronaldo

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