23 SELEBRASI PEMAIN JUVENTUS PES 2018 MOBILE | Celebrate Juventus Players #pesmobile #juventus

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hello bro!
ini video kedua saya, buat kalian yang suka pes 2018 mobile dan yang suka Juventus harus nonton video ini,
jangan lupa klik like, subscribe dan comment agar lebih bagus video videonya, Enjoy 🙂
#pesmobile #juventus #pes2018mobile
Berikut daftar pemain di video tersebut :
1. G. Buffon
2. Dani Alves
3. F. Bernadeschi
4. P. Pogba
5. S. Lichtsteiner
6. S. Khedira
7. C. Ronaldo
8. C. Marchisio
9. G. Higuain
10. P. Dybala
11. Douglas Costa
12. Alex Sandro
13. W. Szczesny
14. B. Matuidi
15. A. Barzagli
16. J. Cuadrado
17. M. Mandzukic
18. D. Rugani
19. L. Bonucci
20. Joao Cancelo
21. B. Howedes
22. M. Perin
23. E. Can
hello bro!
this is my second video, for those of you who like PES 2018 mobile and those who like Juventus you should watch this video,
don’t forget to click like, subscribe and comment so that the video video is better, Enjoy 🙂
31 Selebrasi Pemain MANCHESTER UNITED Pes2018 Mobile https://youtu.be/c6BgxOYG14A

25 Selebrasi Pemain REAL MADRID Pes2018 Mobile https://youtu.be/xFCMx2iVdlg

27 Selebrasi Pemain FC BARCELONA Pes2018 Mobile https://youtu.be/UxqSTdmOdjY
Sosial Media
IG: riyan_engineer
Fb: Riyan


Deni Mancung says:

Selebrasi ronaldo nomer berapa vang di pes 2019 ppsspp

Bocah_ Gaming says:

Wkwkwk Stadion Liga Sawah


Di tunggu balik nyaaa yaaa bro permanen

BNC Cianjur says:

Sudah yah bang terimakasih bang.. dukung terus yah bang

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